Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Posted by Jon Dalton On 10:17 AM
Lab Trio
For more years than I've been a writer, something like 30 years I guess, I've had another secret passion-cross stitching. Over the years, I've completed dozens of projects, some simple, others more complex taking me years to complete due to working a regular job. Now that I've retired from the regular work-day world, I have more time to engage in my passion.

A month or so ago, I finished a cross stitch project that I've owned for a few years, a kit called Lab Trio. The picture features the heads of a chocolate Lab, a black Lab and a golden Lab in that order. I'd started this project three years ago, when we suddenly lost one of our black Labs, Holly, to cancer, followed six weeks later by Tessa, our golden retriever, who simply died of old age. At that point, I had no heart to stitch this project and set it aside.

So, I've picked it up again and as I'm stitching, I'm recalling fond memories of life with Holly and Tessa, and even my old man, Scudder, our other black Lab who turns 16 this year. These guys have given me moments of fits (like the time I walked Scudder and Tessa together and they pulled me off my feet, dragging me into the street when they went after another dog) but the good moments far outweigh the bad ones. Like the time Holly indicated that her water bowl needed filling by taking a bottle of water and dumping it into the bowl, like she expected that to fill it like she’d seen my wife do (that dog was super smart). And now that Scudder is well into his golden years, I’m enjoying every precious day that I get to spend with him.

It's pleasurable memories like these that make cross stitching enjoyable for me...and who knows, there may be a story lurking within this pastime.


  1. Sounds like a sweet testimony to your pets. Can't wait to see your progress!

  2. What great memories you have. :)

  3. Hope you continue to enjoy your retirment. Hmmm..turtle speed, huh? sounds like you need a couple of littly obnoxious dogs running around to keep you limber!

  4. That is a beautiful piece. I love labs and have a black lab mix that is approaching 15 years.

  5. Stitching is a wonderful way to preserve memories

  6. What a beautiful story, dogs are wonderful.
