Sunday, July 28, 2013

Posted by Jon Dalton On 12:39 PM
Shortly after I published my blog post yesterday about the discontinuation of weather alerts from the National Weather Service for budget reasons, I was watching a show on The Weather Channel. During that show, I learned that the budget sequestration is also affecting the Hurricane Hunters that fly into these storms and provide crucial data to the National Hurricane Center.

According to Col. Craig LaFave, commander of the 403rd Reserve Wing which includes the hurricane hunters squadron, the unit can handle up to two hurricanes for a short period of time. Three storms is a no go.

I still remember vividly when four storms in succession hit Florida in 2004. If the 2013 is as bad as forecasters are predicting, then grounding the hurricane hunters because the politicians in Washington can't compromise on a budget flies in the face of common sense. I guess putting people and their property in danger makes more sense to them than abandoning their principles.

Strange world we're living in these days.


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