Nik Wallenda, Twitter and the Buckeyes
It’s easy to see the connection between Nik Wallenda and Twitter, and Twitter and The Ohio State Buckeyes. But come on, there’s no way the three are connected.
Well, yes, there is, and it wasn’t the biomedical person from Ohio State who was measuring Wallenda’s vital signs during his training sessions in Sarasota.
Nope, Twitter is the connecting thread between Nik Wallenda and the Buckeyes.
You see, despite the ten second delay in Sunday night’s telecast of Wallenda crossing the Grand Canyon, I wasn’t keen on watching the entire death-defying spectacle, although I have to admit it was awesome and I loved the scenic views of the canyon. So I took to Twitter, between glances at the TV screen, to see what others had to say. And it was there that I discovered Buckeye-world tweeting about the latest commitment to the team’s 2014 class, a speedy wide receiver from Indiana (Go Bucks!).
Long ago, in a time far past, the world we baby boomers knew was limited pretty much to our local newspaper, and whatever the only three broadcast channels we had brought us on the evening news. At that time, our attention would have been solely riveted on Wallenda’s daredevil stunt with no other distractions, save what might be happening in our own homes.
We’ve come a long way since the 1950s, and today the world is at our fingertips with IPads and IPhones. Information is constantly and instantly available. Sometimes I think it’s a good thing; other times, I yearn for the simpler days of the past. Anyone else feel the same?
Meanwhile, I see that turtle in my yard again, and it’s time to see if I can pass him. That’s life at turtle speed. Thanks for reading.
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