Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Posted by Jon Dalton On 1:13 PM
It all started with this:

My wife saw this kit advertised somewhere, and knowing how much I enjoy expressing my latent artistic skills (minimal as they are), she thought I might like this as well.

Boy, do I.

As I started to explore hand lettering or brush lettering more, I've found that it's an easy way to express yourself artistically, and create some pieces of art. My early efforts seem promising.

I've read of other lettering enthusiasts who create cards, or other things to give away. With my love of autumn, I've got some ideas floating around in my head for things to create. I even purchased appropriately colored card stock to play around with.

My exploration into hand lettering led me to other resources and materials.

I'm no expert yet, and maybe this year's efforts won't be the best, but hey, I'm learning, and by next fall, I should be much better.

Stay tuned. I'll be posting results.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Posted by Jon Dalton On 11:42 AM
So last night, this troll hit up my wife, who was minding her own business on Instagram. The resulting conversation was priceless.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Posted by Jon Dalton On 8:51 PM

A check of the archives reveals that I last used this blog a little over four years ago. At the time, I planned to use this medium to comment on my life and observations in general after retirement.

Well, that certainly changed with the publication of my first Wolf Mallory mystery, followed then by Haley Jordan's debut with Candy Cane Kisses. And then, I resumed covering my old beat of Sarasota County as a freelancer for the newspaper I worked for many years ago.

But Life at Turtle Speed has been on my mind recently, and I want to resume using this, possibly as my main mouthpiece, hopefully linking it to my two author websites.

That's what I'm off to do now. So good night, all, and hope to see you here again.
